Dr. Joel Klenck: Archaeology and Historic Preservation
Dr. Joel Klenck: Archaeology & historic preservation. Click here for Noah's Ark and Ark enemies. Here for Maritime Career.
Dr. Joel Klenck: Archaeology & historic preservation. Click here for Noah's Ark and Ark enemies. Here for Maritime Career.
Dr. Joel Klenck: Legal Analysis of Historic Preservation Legislation in Samoa and Proposed Faaaloalo Mo Tuaa Ordinance, to resolve a governance conflict within Samoa inhibiting historic preservation.
We appreciate those who advocate for the protection, preservation, and research of Noah's Ark in the southern gorge of greater Mount Ararat. Noah's Ark is a site sacred to three world religions, an ancient maritime barge filled with animal cages, with an origin in the Epipaleolithic, and represents the archaeological progenitor site for the Neolithic or farming revolution.
2436 N. Federal Hwy, Ste 288, Lighthouse Point, Florida 33064, United States
Phone (904) 405-8618 / Email: jklenck@paleorc.com / We are often at project locations so please leave a phone message, email, or mail us and your mail will be forwarded to our current research area.
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